1.按月收集各分子公司財務報表,并進行初步復核,確保各分子公司財務報表的真實性、完整性和準確性; Collect and overall review of the financial statements of subsidiaries and branches, ensure data integrity and compliance with accounting standards. 2.協調及持續優化月度關聯方對賬工作及合并報表關聯交易抵消過程; Coordinate and continuously optimize monthly intercompany reconciliation and elimination of related party transactions during monthly group consolidation; 3.出具合并財務報表,及重要報表科目的附注,提高月度財務報告的質量和效率; Prepare monthly consolidated financial statements and notes to material accounts, to continuously improve quality and efficiency on monthly group reporting; 4.對接審計師,協調溝通各分子公司財務人員,協助完成集團年度審計及集團內上市主體的中期審閱及年度審計工作; Work with external auditors and coordinate with region finance colleagues, assist in completing group annual audit , mid-year review and year-end audit for listed entities; 5.基于合并財務報表的數據支持工作,如國資委報表、資金部數據需求等; Monthly SASAC reporting, data support to treasury team and other functional departments; 6.根據需要,溝通協調各財務團隊及其他職能部門,協助財務經理完成各種盡職調查和資產評估項目; Extensively collaborate with finance peers in the area of tax, treasury, FP&A and colleagues and from other non-finance functions, assist finance manager in completing due diligence and assets evaluation projects; 7.及時跟進會計準則及各種披露要求的變化,為復雜業務賬務處理提供建議,支持其他財務團隊的日常技術咨詢; In depth understanding and timely updates on accounting standards & policies, monitor compliance, advise on complex accounting matters within the group.
1.會計、財務或經濟相關專業大學本科及以上學歷; Bachelor’s degree or above in accounting, finance or economics related; 2.熟練使用Excel軟件,3~5年跨國集團企業合并報表工作經驗(子公司10+,涉及外幣報表折算及少數股東權益,熟悉股權變動對合并財務報表的影響)制造業工作經歷優先; Proficiency in Microsoft Excel, 3 to 5 year working experience in group consolidation for multi-national company(more than 10 subsidiaries, solid knowledge on foreign currency exchange, minority shares and long-term equity investment), manufacturing industry preferred. 3.英語可作為工作語言; Proficient English skills; 4.熟悉新租賃準則(IFRS16)及客戶合同收入準則(IFRS15)優先; In-depth